11. 1525 NOTHING TO BE WRITTEN IN THIS MARGIN 1020 Registry No. DEPARTMENT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION PRIORITY MARKINGS En Clair. Code Cypher Draft Telegram to: Jedda Top Secret Secret Confidential Restricted Unclassified No. 1282 (Date) 21 Nov. And to: — Repeat to: Saving to:--- - Distribution: Departncial ERD, Aration. BOT concur. Patrick Copies to: S.A. Rowe/, Esq. ESB., BOT. 21/11 D.D.Asprey, Esq CRED, BOT. عمارة 21/81 Emergency Immediate Priority Routine Security classification -if any [Codeword-if any] Addressed to telegram No... [ And to... (Date) Despatched Saving to.. * Date and time (G.M.T.) telegram should reach addressee(s) repeated for information to... CYPHER 24/1 1752 RESTRICTED ..(date))...... 22 NOV 1966 88.13912 21 November You may know that Sir Bruce White, Wolfe, BARRY Beng and Partners, Consulting Engineers, tendered some time ago for the post of consultants for the development of Dammam port. In the course of a series of visits by their partners they have reduced their terms and now believe that they are very close to the lowest bid, and in direct competition with a Belgian firm GIREC. 2. They understand that the Belgian Ambassador has written to the Minister of Communications expressing the hope that GIREC will be awarded the work; and have asked that you should take similar action. 3. Sir B. White, Wolfe, Bary and Partners are a well respected firm who should be able to (they have ndertaken similar work for HMG. at minstimees) make a good job of this consultancy and the contract is likely to be valuable. On the other hand you may know of other British consultants in the running; you may feel that any approach from (you Hyou