1966 FROM fo. Mainte Yoz Telegram Received 22 November (Outward Action) Aff) Jedda - 1282 21/ 11. No. 1282 Dated 21 November Encloses Copy of: Aft Mr. Cranston (Jedda) fru Mr. Eyes 19/12 (Printing Instructions) (Referred to Legal Adviser) (Action completed) PR 20-12-66 B (Main Indexed) ARABIAN DEPARTMENT 4/611/67 SAUDI ARABIA. BS 1391/2 Sw Brull Whill, worfe and Berry and Panthers have now reduced thei teme and are n direct competition with GIREC, the Belgian Consulting Enqueer. for the development of the Jammam port. References and Relevant Papers : MINUTES hotel. (B B.U. 10 days 23/1 (A) Mr Cranston's letter 1392 of 10 decembe Mr Weir Our telegram was of couse cleaned with the 185507 Board of Trade. I have told Sir Bounce White that his (Security Grading-to be Up-graded where Appropriate) RESTRICTED out to expensed quatitude Mr Cranston took action. He and said that the sandis had asked this morning for a partner to go out Riyadh to sign. I did віри do not think we need amover the Cranston's para 2; Joh no doubt he und like to know of the success I entir a draft. Dit to Be Then PA كما of his démarche. betrich@ger" "sliz