CONFIDENTIAL Convention on the Abolition of slavery (1956). On May 14, 1956, six of the seven Trucial States Rulers formally affirmed that slavery and the slave trade were illegal in their territories, by means of the following joint declaration: ime, the Rulers of the Trucial States listed below, declare that slavery was long ago abolished in our territories (as we have already announced) and that anyone who was formerly a slave is now free to conduct his life as he wishes. He declare too that the sale, purchase and transport of slaves in our territories is absolutely forbidden." The seventh Ruler, Shaikh Shakhbut of Abu Dhabi, signed a separate declaration on June 15, 1963, in identical terms. South Arabia 5. Vestigial traces of slavery persist in parts of the Protectorate of South Arabia. The descendants of those who were slaves in the past have been assimilated into the local Arab society, but can still be recognised as a social class. They are not, however, in a state of compulsory bondage and are able freely to choose their own employment. Some have chosen (no doubt because of the economic advantage they thus enjoy) to remain as retainers with the families which their slave ancestors served; others are farmers; and some have become members (including officers) of the Federal Armed Forces. It is well known locally that persons of this class, who are still commonly referred to in the vernacular by the Arabic word for i'slave" or "servant" because of their descent, can readily obtain a certificate of manumission if they wish to do so; but in practice very few in recent years have bothered wito this formality. It is CONFIDENTIAL