Foreign policy of Kuwait p.5

FO 371/126905 1957


applies somewhat the same defensive procedure with regard to the
disposal of his finances. On that subject he is glad to be able
to refuse all applications from Arab countries for official
financial assistance on the grounds that he has entrusted the
investment of the State reserves to the Investment Board and that
is the end of the matter).

There is of course an element of blackmail in the Ruler's
attitude. It is convenient for him to be able to blame us if
Kuwait cannot get all that it wants in its international relations
and at the same time he can avoid the necessity of saying
unpleasant things to his neighbours which he would find personally
and politically distasteful. However, it is something that the
Ruler has welcomed the idea of an Iraqi Representative coming to
Kuwait, if we can persuade the Iraqis to do this, and I hope he
might make a similar suggestion to the Saudis even if he is
unwilling to state his own case about the islands. My main
conclusion is that we must take this business of looking after
Kuwait's foreign relations extremely seriously as a factor in the
maintenance of our position in Kuwait and in the Gulf generally.
I fully realise that firm support by us for Kuwait's position
about the Iraq frontier may make things awkward for us in Iraq, but
failure to do so may equally well make things awkward for us in
Kuwait and in view of the importance which we so often say we
attach to the Gulf I suggest that the balance between the two is
fairly close.

4. Another conclusion is that a move towards more direct
relations between Kuwait and its neighbours, as advocated in my
despatch No. 116 will not come about without a fairly definite
initiative on our part. I do not despair of making the Ruler see
the difference between dealing with a territorial question between
neighbours and getting involved in general Middle East politics via
the Arab League, but he will clearly need persuasion.

5. I am sending copies of this letter to Kuwait, Baghdad and

(B.A.B. Burrows)