Registry No. Top Secret Secret Confidential Restricted. Open. the Trucial States Order in Council, 1950 Draft. No. 1 of 1955 The Trucial States Fire-arms and Ammunition Regulation, 1955 In this Regulation "fire-arms" includes shotguns, rifles, revolvers and pistols, automatic weapons and machine guns or any parts thereof; "ammunition" includes any parts thereof. NOTHING TO BE WRITTEN IN THIS MARGIN. Any person subject to the Trucial States w Order in Council, 1950, who, within the limits of the Order: (a) manufactures any fire-arms or ammunition, (b) imports, exports, acquires or disposes of any fire-arms or ammunition without a permit issued by the Political Agent, Hommits a breach of any condition attached to a permit issued under para graph (b) of this Article, works as a gunsmith or repairs fire arms without a permit issued by the political Agent, (e) attempts or abets the commission of any act prohibited by this Regulation, shall be guilty of an offence ana shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to a fine not exceeding Rs. 2000 or to both and to the confiscation 47493.