TELEGRAM Cypher Code Clear From : To: Despatched Received Received No. them what we know of Pakistan's reactions. We would make it clear that it was for them to consider the risk of action by the Pakistani Government, resulting from the adoption of these proposals by lluscat, such as the raising of Customs duties against goods originating in Muscat or Gwadur. In the event of such action we would give diplomatic support but we could naturally not guarantee its success. Subject to this we would see no objection to Muscat Government going ahead with whatever project they thought most likely to be of advantage to Gwadur. 5. I shoula be grateful if you would inform me by telegram whether you approve this course. BURROWS (13024) Wt. 39967–1608 150m in 3 sorts 1/47 G.S.St. Gp. 620