Development of fisheries in Gwadur p.6

FO 371/109886 1954
(b) F.S. Kerr & Company of Bombay have made a
similar proposal.
(c) Rustom (mentioned above) wishes to open a
fish-meal factory in Gwadur.

2. Last year two Japanese trawlers , ostensibly
engaged as proposed at (a) above, were escorted to
Karachi by a Pakistani naval ve sel and detained
because it was alleged they had been fishing in
Pakistani waters.

3. The Pakistan Government have been sounded
informally by the United Kingdom High Commission in
Karachi as to their attitude to these schemes, and are
opposed to them because they fear they will result in
11legal fishing in Pakistani waters, and in Pakistani
fish being diverted to the proposed fish-neal factory
in Gwadur, and also because that factory woulă compete
with similar factories to be erected in Pakistan, The
fact that the fimm putting forward the second proposal
has its headquarters in India is, in Pakistani eyes, a
further point against it.

4. I do not think that we should stand in the
way of what seems to be a promising project for the
development of Cwadur. I would like therefore to give
the Muscat Government the information about the firm
for which they have asked and at the same time to tell
