TELEGRAM Cypher SAVINGY Code Clear From :- BAHRAIN To:- FOREIGN OFFICE Despatched January 5, 1954. Received No. 2 Saving of January 5, 1954 PRIORITY PRIORITY RESTRICTED Addressed to foreign Office telegram No. 2 Saving of January 5 repeated for information Saving to Dohah No. 2 (s). augu our letter 1195/19/53 lof December 21 to Beirut copied to you about arms in Qatar. Contrary to our expectations, Hancock has succeeded in persuading Ruler of need for measure of arms control and registration. He has produced draft on lines of Bahrain Arms Ordinance constituting the schedule to K.R. No. 3 of 1936 with following A atrferences: AM (1) it applies to "firearms" only: second elau se of Article 2 of Bahrain Ordinance does not appear. (11) time limit for registration reduced from /six (5517) A.O.St.