296 THE INDEPENDENT TRIBES OF THE DHAHIRAH Detailed consideration is given here only to those independent tribes of the Dhahirah inhabiting territories that might be regarded tabia. Space as bordering on the domains of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Space does not allow the giving of the same consideration to the more rema and usually smaller tribes in the western pockets of the Hajar, such tribes as the Bidah, Bani Zid, Bani 'Ali, and Bani Kalban. Orbe tribes such as Bani 'Umar and Bani Ghaith are attached perhaps more closely to the Batinah than to the Dhahirah. The general turbulence characterizing the life of these indepen dent tribes has already been dwelt upon. For the purchase of arms money is needed, and this comes in part, directly or indirectly from subsidies distributed among the tribes by neighboring rulers of castern Arabia. The absence of reliable details makes it impossible to discuss this situation at length, though it may be mentioned that the Sultan of Muscat is reported to be especially generous in bestowing payments of this nature. Arabs from Oman insist however, that the readiness of the tribes to accept money offered is not matched by willingness on their part to surrender any measure of their independence. 128