U.K. Member | International Organisation for Standardization International Electrotechnical Commission BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER BRITISH STANDARDS HOUSE, 2 PARK STREET, LONDON, W1 Sir ANTHONY BOWLBY Bt. President, Chairman of General Council H. A. R. BINNEY, C.B., Director Telephone: 629 9000 (STD Code: 01) Telex: 23218 Telegrams: STANDARDS LONDON W1 Your reference Our reference PCY/NE RECEIVED IN ARCHIVES No. 5 2 JAN 1968 Date 17th January, 1968 W.H. Fullerton, Esq., Foreign Office, London, S.W.1. Many thanks for your letter of the 15th January, enclosing a list of Ministers in the Saudi Arabian Goverment. It was very good of you to remember my request. I should also like to say how much I enjoyed our talk last week and how grateful I am for the trouble which you took in briefing me on Saudi Arabian conditions. (Dr.) P.C. Young This letterhead is the A4 size in the international range adopted by the BSI