CONFIDENTIAL British Embassy, RECEIVED IN ARCHIVES No. 5 14 FEZ 1968 ا/25 7 February, 1968. New Appointments On 1 February royal decrees were issued appointing Prince Newwaf Ibn Abdulaziz as special adviser to the King; Prince Badr Ibn Abdulaziz as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard; and Hisham Nazer as President of the Central Planning Organisation. 2. On 5 February another decree appointed Prince Sattam Ibn Abdulaziz as Vice-Governor of Riyadh Province. 3. It is difficult to comment now on the significance of these appointments. The introduction of the princes is presumably designed to meet the criticism that the Royal Family is too inclined to set about without working. At the same time it will be exposed to the counter criticism that the administration is too much under royal control. What can you do when the Royal Family is so large? 4. The Central Planning Roganisation has not so far been very successful and Hisham Nazer is expected to do something to improve its efficiency. He is No. 61 in our leading Personalities, (A. J. M. Craig) P. H. C. Eyers, Esq., Arabian Department, Foreign Office, London, S.W. 1. CONFIDENTIAL