AIR BAG CONFIDENTIAL 10815/4/41/52 BRITISH EMBASSY, M WASHINGTON, Þ.c., JULY 31, 1957. Stowart Rockwell who is now Director of the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs in the State Department, mentioned to me yesterday that he had seen a report which presumably originated from one of our sources, that a Syrian called Shammari, with a Jordanian passport, had recently made a journey from Dubai to New Delhi in connection with the Oman rebellion, and that subversive pamphlets had been printed in New Delhi. K He wondered if this meant that the Indian Government. Menon might have a finger in the pie. Do you know anything about this? I said it was news to me; that there were a good many Indians in the area, but that I heard nothing of their getting involved in Omani affairs; and that it seemed most unlikely to me that the Indian Government would want to get mixed up in them - especially as the Sultan had his own frictions with the Pakistanis. As you know, the Americans, on a much smaller scale, reciprocate the Indians! tendency to suspect them of limitless intriguing and mischiefmaking. I am sending copies of this letter to Given in Bahrain and to Rob at New Delhi. D.M.H. Riches, Esq., Eastern Department, Foreign Office,