23rd January, 1953.
Thank you for your letter EA 1084/508 of the 3rd January
about the possibility of giving the Sultan financial assistance,
I rather doubt if he will make any appeal for funds during his
visit but he may do so.
2. Chauncy has reported that the shaikhs of the interior have
increasingly left off visiting the Consulate as they used to do
and that this is the result of our being unable to give them
the customary "douceurs", owing to the limited nature of our
Mission Fund. He has accordingly suggested a special allotment
during the next financial year to enable him to be more liberal
with the visiting shaikhs than has been the case recently.
As it appears impossible to get any increase in our Mission
Fund for any purpose whatever, I would suggest that I might be
permitted to authorise the Consul-General at Muscat and the
Political Officer, Trucial Coast to incur expenditure up to
£20 each during the current financial year and £100 each during
the next financial year out of any money that may be set aside
for subsidies to the tribes or gratuities to visiting shaikhs.
A.D.M. Ross Esq.,
Eastern Department,
Foreign Office,