قوائم بالأوراق المُعدّة من قبل إدارة البحوث p.7

FO 370/1904 1949


A Note on Senator Tom Connelly (US/17/48. Venezuela. (LAT/29/48).
(i) The country. (ii) The People. (iii) Economy (iv) History.
(v) Present regime. (vi) General policy. (vii) Relations with Great Britain -(a) British Guiana.
(b) Great Britain. (viii) Economic & Social Tendencies. Uruguay. (LAT/30/48.
(i) The country. (ii The People. (iii) Economy. (iv) History.
(v) Present regime. (vi) General Policy. (vii) External Relations (a) Disputed Jurisdiction in the
River Plate. Relations with Argentina. Relations with Brazil. Relations with Great Britain. Relations with the United States,
Treaties. (viii) Economic & Social Tendencies.

