مؤتمر الكويت: بن سعود p.3

FO 624/42 1923-1924

Telegram. From. To. Dated. Received. No.

(P) Secretary dirof State for the Colonies. The High Commissioner Baghdad. 12th September, 1923. 13th September, 1923. 419.

Addressed Bushire repeated Baghdad 419 Jerusalem 279.
Tills Your telegram No.802, dated 5th September. It appears that
Jerusalem telegram of lst September, No. 29 6 that without ample warning a serious attack from Jauf will not materialise. I propose to assume that, in consequence of message conveyed to you in my telegram of August 17th the Sultan is restraining his forces. You should therefore approach the Sultan ( subject to comment from Baghdad or Jerusalem withing three days) as follows: You should express gratification that he has restrained his forces and propose to him that a meeting should be held, at the earliest possible date, to discuss the Nejd-Trans-Jordania boundary. You should suggest that opportunity might, at the same be taken of discussing outstanding questions with (Iraq, notably the question of Shammar refugees.
HIG., would be prepared, if the Sultan wishes it, to suggest to King Hussein that the Nejd Hedjas questions should be simultaneously discussed. If Iraq and Nejd territories are both unsvitable meeting might suitably take place under your auspices at Kowaita or Bahrein. You should enquire whether Sultan would prefer to attend himself in which case Abdullah and Faisal would naturally attend ån person, , or whether he would prefer each party should send a plenipotentiary. Argument for the latter course ? _Hussain could not possibly come himself and for a meeting of pleni potentiaries rather than of principals you should give a distinct lead. Your telegram No.788, dated 29th A1&st. Time does not appear to have arrived for? language suggested but you will no doubt be able to convey tactfully to Sulan, that our object in suecesting the meeting is to put an end to the State of affairs which might result in a clash between H.M.G. , and himself. at the same you should inform him that the captured mail bag has been handed to his representative at Damascus and point out that di was taken during operations whith followed the attck on Kaf off which he has hitherto disclaimed all knowledge.

CONFIDENTIAL. You willk realise that, without prior reference to me, final subsidy payment should not be made.


Secretariat of H.E.the High Commissioner for 'Iraq, Baghdad, September, 15th 1923.

No. G.0/1073.


Air Headquarters ( 2 copies).


Copy forwarded for information.

sa/. M.C.P.
A/Secretary to H.E.the High Commissioner for 'Iraq.