PROTOCOL DEPARTMENT last yearspe TP20216/1 T TP202161 1963 FROM ki knock (Kuwaith to Miss Toda-Nayla | Proposed reciprocal baq agreement RESTRICTED with Kuwait. PRIVILEGE SUBJECT: No. NC14410/63 Dated Jan 23 Received Jan 30. References MINUTES We ( au Printing Instructions) (Outward Action) D. Errock291 Mis Smith & in iP 20216/1 (62) had agreed that there %(64) should be and To Reciprocal Bag Canargements, another. Enoch now with that he would peefer & give pronal recognition to the 00781 existing practices, which kennait find satisfactay, y conclecting an m. Grede, King arrangement in the form suggested ( this Todo. Naylor the enclosure to his letter of hermano Ban es Snach and singest 20, 1962 (1820216 tica and I 2 oft. Mrs. Smith, G.Ro. The Kawait Embassy again, but, lagt er. Golding, kemih before ) I , do so. Iskunle te Shun. Kay, GP. grateful to to have your maties. The anagement puvides lihat there shall be no charge for с the acceptance conveyance of cliplomatic tags, and this seems from vied on the (Action forapleted) (Main Indexed) EB Art suppe. . ar Po J328 1337_1