Gaby SCHIETE INDIA OFFICE, WHITEHALL, S.W.I. دستام NO MER 85/247 // January, 1947. My dear Dantas 1001 6 You wrote to Harrison on (9 16430/1211/4/380) and I sert you a copy of my Express Letter No.Ext.7166/46 of 30 th. October, 1946, to the Holisican Apsident in the Persian Gulf abdkt the status of Koweit Bay and the extent of Koweit territorial water. 2. I now enclose a copy of an Express Letter from the Political Resident in reply. dated 27 th December) I am afraid that the evidence available is not quite the type that is required, but Col. Hay expressed the view, when he was here last October, that it is unlikely that any thing more concrete will be for thcoming. So far as it goes, however, it supports our view. 0 I am sending copies of this letter and enclosure to Dodds at the Admiralty and Farrell at the H.F.P. Jous sous soa Cinderella R. Dunbar, Esq., C.M.G., Treaty Departinent, Foreign Office, 3, Cleveland Row, S.W.1.