E EASTERN DEPARTMENT E A 1624 A / 1950 ARABIA FROM Political Agent Residence permits for Kuwait (Kuwait) to Copy of Mr Gethin's letter of His April to Sir. R. No. 69/2150 Hay enclosing draft Kings Regulation and a copy of the existing Kuwaiti Law. Judge Haines Dated 4 to Apne 4 Received in Wan May Hh 1950 REFERENCES (MINUTES) Olas Juga Hann. Clairs Dept 82 1 3.8 suffore that we shall pasports & (Print) } hear from the Political resolent in due course Kunde Reg Nol of 1947 deals with Visars. I should have thought that me would a residence want to relanie some control persons salget to our jurisdiction by mennin rescience permits ourselves but the u really noha mates for me, (How disposed of) birtanes 2875 *flop Esenteph he many await the Resident's comments , To 811. (Action completed) (Index) tele Blisko 1418 38068