E EASTERN DEPARTMENT A 128111 EA 128 1950 ARABIA From Stationery No. 639/2544 Report a the resoures of Muscat and Oman office the Statinesy office is prepared to undertake pointing on repayment. Refers to the Ryall's letter of 22nd December 1950 (E8519/1102/91). Dated 10 Jan Reid lisan Last Paper (Minutes) aw16/1 The reput E7840/1284/91 (E3819/02 (911949 References E7840/1284/91 der lysle 120%. toll. 82093 (Print) (How disposed Dife) Residency Bahrait from. M.E.S. 16 Jan Copies to B. M.FO and Muscat. (Action completed) (Index) Bin file Next Paper 37330