2 2 E EASTERN DEPARTMENT E 14078 1948 SAUDI ARABIA Registry E14078/14078/25 Number Future development schemes in Saudi Arabia. FROM B.B.C. Monitoring. No. Arab News Agency reports the intention of the Saudi Arabian Government to construct railway lines, water pipelines, automatic telephone exchange and large water dams. Dated 30th October. Received inte cheistrs 1st November Last Paper . (Minutes.) References inment ww Globe 68794 ای ارگ اع (Print) We do Know (How disposed of) do at kliore ه No C anfirmed kat ling Jadda no 164, of B Bruco, Baris N. 243 Now it water vele The 1 ta راک The third project is the mly lore and several British fore remember beaning interested in in. finns WÁ A -Rohr (5-C-CABLE % about the first project - Thugh it expaß Lane abordane z A desat. egy Jedda 3100 for obs. the sweated under the Sahara too but e Walülow Wat doesn't say it is worticant to longo 414 liegt lif it. The one montirefer to the bly not to the wigation anfeat of the project 본 If the first project refere as a think it must . to the Dammam. Riadh Rly., it was " be finiched in 1950. Irrigation had not previously been mentioned in this connexion. exion. The Third , we anything is being done about the fourth, it is probably by Bechtel duc. 34007 The whole Broadcast takes a nather harrah-bays! w Wasthofones (Action completed) (Index) started a year ago and war expected to 18o lepilnas Bl know d; and Next Paper ( € 16160) line. Polines JOHNGS 14. Nov. 48 16/10