تدريب أفراد الجيش السعودي في مصر والسودان p.3

FO 371/52826 1946
3 British Legation, END






June 1946.

15 JUN 1946


I have the honour to inform you that the task of training personnel of the Saudi Arabian Army, in Egypt and the Sudan, to man and maintain the British share of the Anglo-American gift of arms and equipment made to the Saudi Arabian Government in 1944. is now nearing completion.

2. A total of five hundred and twelve candidates passed out successfully, including four officers, The failures on courses, and the vacancies on courses for which no suitable and willing trainees could be found, together amounted to forty-five,

3. A satisfactory percentage of the trainees have thus passed out as qualified instructors or technicians, and I hope that these will fulfil expectations and constitute a valuable cadre in the establishment of the Saudi Arabian army.

4. His Royal Highness the Amir Mansour, the Minister of Defence, has expressed his gratification at the standards attained during the courses, particularly those falling latterly, and he has assured me that, on returning to Saudi Arabia, the trainees are utilised as instructors in their special subjects, and thereby employ to best effect the technique ană experience gained during the


5. I am sending a copy of this despatch to the British Middle East Olfice in Cairo.

I have the honour to be, with the highest respect,
Sir, Your most obedient,
humble Servant,

Lolu attenfman

The Right Honourable Ernest Bevin, M.P.,


&c. ,


Foreign Office.