Wt. 27614/P.6612 2,000 pads 10/43 G.S.St. Gp. 620 MESSAGE fat will OUT FROM Admiralty. E2384/2394/96 2386 TO C. in C. Eastern Fleet. DATE sedened. 5 JUN 1944 Info: 8.17.0. Persian Gune Bahrein. SENT NAVAL CODES (3) WARNING: This is an unparaphrased version of a secret cypher or confidential code message, and the text must first be paraphrased* if it is essential to communicate it to persons outside British or Allied Government Services. [*NOTE: Messages shown as having been sent in a One-Time Pad ("O.T.P.") are excepted from this rule.] Your 708/3..77/38 or 5th April. Presentation approved. Suora will be despatched by adr. What inscription, 1 w, do you propose should be made thoroon besoro dospatch. 3011278 D.I.I.(5) for read os 1.1. (204) (Approved 4th 3.) 11. (3) (11.977/44) Adozional circulation by . D. 01 S. Foreign 091co 3 with soforence to Admiralty letter 11.971/4 of 5th may, 1914 Eastern deft