CONFIDENTIAL 5 ANNEX TO MUSCAT MONTHLY DIARY DECEMBER 1960 Reference paragraph 162. Shaikh Khamis is an inveterate troublemaker with theRoyal Air Force on Masirah and early on in his dispute with theHikman asked if he could be backed by Royal Air Force personnelarmed with rifles. The Muscat Government continually slapshim down but he always gets up undismayed. Reference paragraph 168. Mining incidents provide the only real news of themonth which saw 6 explosions, the most in any month in 1960.Five military vehicles and one civilian were blown up andcasualties amounted to one dead with 6 injured (includinga British officer). Mineplates are without doubt savingmany lives when the mine is of the new plastic type whichmost current incidents involve. The older type of metalmine is insignificant in comparison and it was one of thesewhich blew up the unprotected civilian truck without casualties. bele Pandham (B.R. Pridham)for H.B.M's Consul General CONFIDENTIAL