1960 Ft BA1013 B ARABIAN DEPARTMENT BC10131 SUBJECT: FROM Mw. Pawid lam, Muscat CONFIDENTIAL Muscat Monthly Diary ns 12. December 1 - 3/1960 No.DatedDatedReceived fou 14. "? References MINUTES (Printing Instructions (Outward Action) This is the frient monthly diame to be fridentialsplit into an unclassified and asection. This has lucem dne vo that the Infomaten Byto.com pars the uncharodied156759 section $, ey, the B.B.C. Cyriesgo driet to hand Norwich in L.P.D., + 1 heart speedFotelephone him a recent search diam, &lanfaim that Aralia Dygt have noobjetion to the areasoned rulinganaA web.B.C. d. I have infamed hand Norwich that thereis no oljetin in the care ) to present diary DabullahAn fuumbresul. Bolest na sedenie print In 257, (Actioncompleted) (Action (Main Indexed) (Main Indexed) o si n ako voli 100 57447–4