B. ARABIAN DEPARTMENT 1959 free BS, GOL 1.0 FROM Balmain B s1901 SAUDI ARABIA. SUBJECT: UNCLASS Visit oj us. Ambassada U.S. ) te houden. in Jedda (m. D. HEATH) No. 63 Dated 25/ Received 25 JAN 1960 References MINUTES He's here – for feb. read taw. NFA required BSJOSI 10. leg 21 (Printing Instructions) A. Balian tel. ne. 64 149253 154855 (Outward Actior) c. with p. with to M. Amery: CO c.o. Jan. 26. Sink Stevens & Mr Beaumont beached will him on taw. 26. Shave drafted a letter from Sirk Steven the beleje News fok. 0.2 / 28 (Action completed) (Main Indexed) ( Ball 26/1/000 6. 17/661 J66 53973-2