(1013/11) British Residency, P.0. Box No.3 BAHRAIN CONFIDENTIAL I enclose a copy of a letter I have received from Muir of the British Council in Kuwait referring to Jacques letter of June 8 about teacher training in the Sultanate which formed the subject of my letter 1013/11 of June 17 to you (not copied at the time to Muscat). I also enclose a copy of Muir's note of April 27 to Colonel 2 As Muir says the essential thing is to find a suitable teacher-trainer as soon as possible. First, however, I presume that the money must be found to pay for such a man and this raises the question: Will H.M.G. be prepared to pay out of the Training Abroad sub-head of the Education head of the Civil Development Subsidy? If we agree to do so in principle then we can set about trying to find the right man. 3. I see from the note Muir gave to Boustead that this matter has already been discussed previous to Jacques letter of June 8. Has Boustead talked to you about it and if so were any conclusions reached? 4. I agree with Muir that the education problem in the Sultanate is hardly big enough to justify adopting Mani's suggestion that an expert should be sent out to make a comprehensive survey. 5. I am sending to Jacques a copy of this letter together with copies of Muir's letter to me of June 27 and of mine to you of June 17. (M. C. G. Man) A. R. Walmsley, Esq., M.B.E. , Arabian Department, Foreign Office, LONDON, S.W.1. CONFIDENTIAL