الوضع السياسي الداخلي في مسقط وعُمان. رمز BA ملف 1015 (المرفقات 80 إلى 90) p.3

FO 371/140077 1959



Mr. Man
RECINNo. 593
... D. 12.37 p.1. August 26, 1959August 26, 1989 R. 1.40 pol. August 26, 1959
Addressed to Foreign Office telegran No. 593 of August 26Repeated for information Saving to Muscat.
BA10151626Your telegram No. 1113: Contact with Omani Rebels.

I agree that Khansahib Hussain would be our best channel, atany rate for the moment, for communicating with the rebels. Asfar as we know Talib is still in Dammam, although the otherslast heard of in Cairo. I think it should be possible to arrangefor Khansahib to make a business journey there. In view however,of the delicate nature of the proposed operation, I think I shouldfirst of all ask Khansahib to come and see me in Bahrain so thatI can discuss the matter with him. This can be done quickly.

2. I have carefully considered the text of your proposed messageto the rebels contained in paragraph 2 of your telegram underreference. I think, however, that there is great risk of it beingrejected out of hand by the rebels, because they have made it clearthat they are only prepared to negotiate with Her Majesty'sGovernment and not with the Sultan. They may very well reply to ourmessage that their views are already well known to us, namely thatthey stick by the Treaty of Sib and wish to have independence forthe Oman and not live under the Sultan.

3. Apart from this danger of getting nowhere with the rebels,there is also the risk that Khansahib, if he conveyed such amessage, may endanger his own safety as the Saudis are bound tohear of his approach and may well arrest him, or worse, as agentof the Sultan or ourselves. He should, for his own protection,represent himself as acting more on the rebels behalf than on ours.

4. I would prefer that Khansahib should convey a message on thefollowing lines which I think would have more chance of keepingthe door open with the rebels. He could say that he had spoken tohis "political friends" (please see paragraph 6 of enclosure tomy letter 1092/16 of July 14 to Walmsley) and that he had the
