ARABIA N.ARABIA | BA 1015/16 (9) TOUJIMT Honteith. FROM FROM SUBJECT: اعلم ملكا ل قا لهول عستهم مفيده فيه لما بين بيمناه ReccetNo. 316/68/596 July 21Augush 5 Dated Received Olejections to containment on our break ofSerious then ble References MINUTES SYG ۶۶۶, (Printing Instructions) 14376 (Outward Action Thas had already been dealt with.Howenen it also anguis agamit tue comieof holding the any' (bi ni thepaper on the future of Musicals andoman attacked, flag a) while we haveheen michmic t forsorm. It miteresting uute that sound Bernstead w alsostrongly agamisto any form of contaminant,we should help them w ruined whencuftongo finally a comments are mahto takew de event of a free ttien multsee alio mwinter mm B4 101s/ . Ft hulle 7796 (Actioncompleted) (Main Indexed) کی، لمی arrior J69 53973