CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE Cypher/OTP FOREIGN OFFICE AND WHITEHALL DISTRIBUTION Sir B. Burrows No. 1479 D. 5.15 p.m. November 27, 1957 November 27, 1957 R. 6.02 p.m. November 27, 1957 PRIORITY CONFIDENTIAL Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 1479 of November 27, Repeated for information to H.Q. B.F.A.P. P.O.M.E.F. Kuwait and Saving to Dubai Muscat My telegram No. 1471: Strike in Qatar. After mediation by the Political Agent, Sheikh Ahmed agreed to put to the men's representative a number of "fringe benefits" which the company were willing to concede, and after considerable argument succeeded in obtaining their acceptance. The men returned to work at 7 a.m. November 27 at both Dukhan and Umm Said, but during the day some 200 men left work at Umm Said. This appears to be largely due to trouble-makers who came from Doha by bus. 2. The Political Agent has impressed on Sheikh Ahmed the need to deal with these trouble-makers quickly before more men leave work. Sheikh Ahmed has assured him that he can deal with the situation. 3. H.M.S. Gambia has returned to Bahrain, and will remain here until the evening of November 28. Foreign Office pass P.O.M.E.F. 346. (Repeated to P.O.M.E.F.). 28 NOV HHHHH CONFIDENTIAL