RegistryNo. A 111611 Top Secrer.Secret.Confidential.Restricted.Open. OUT FILE DMHR 9/5. Draft. J.P.Tripp, Esq., اله DUBAI. In your despatch No. 18(10119/1/55) to the Political Residentof October 25, 1955, you enclosedrough estimates of the annual revenueand expendi turehof the Trucial States.2. lol should be very grateful ifyou could now let us have a reassessment of the figures. It mightalso be perstite for you to includesubventions from outside, e.g. from From: Mr. Riches. NOTHING TO BE WRITTEN IN THIS MARGIN. Copy to: H.M.G. or Kuwait, whether in cash or وه مه of Sir B. Burrows, K.C.M.G. by the provision of experts.3. I am sending a copy of thisletter to the Political Resident. BAHRAIN. RECEIVED INDIVISION OMAY 1957SANT TO 10 BENT TO os M.F.P.