E EASTERN DEPARTMENT E 41646/16 1956 66 XVEDIA FROM Bahrain Residency. to eastern Department. DRAFT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES LAW AND THE PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES. Copies have been passed to subordinate posts, of whom only Dubai had any comment. No. 2051/7/56 Dated 8/5/56 Received in 16/5/56 Registry 1645 MINUTES References to former relevant papers EA 1645/1 The fact slip is to get Treasury agreement to the fees to the changed. & attach drafti of the Regulation and of the Rules. After this law and the wees aust be submelles Secrelang of Slate for approval, , hi (Print) Entamen 120670 23/5/56 SIR. (How disposed of) 13/6 4:44. w Jante con Estou Seorang 5/2012 Treasu 24.1. Dr.Waf, Engja... Lisainfo... Hulle ร. Mama.ball....2:27:9.3.R. Cenel). Mr. Minshull states that the Treasury want more information regarding the Fees as there are apparent anomalies in the Ad Valorem Fees. I have looked at the Rules and I regret that the wrong Schedule B was attached to the Rules. It is quite obvious on looking at the Aa Valorem Fees attached to the draft that there is some error. I am very sorry that I did not notice this when I sent the Rules to the Department. I attach 8 copies of the correct Ad Valorem Fees which was the table agreed (see my minute on page 7 of my file 67(2)). It is most fortunate that the Treasury noticed this. 2. I notice a typing error in the first part of the second Schedule. The last exception in Fee 13 should read "on estates exceeding 7,500 rupees and not exceeding 15,000 rupees". (Action completed) (Index) Binle کده 3. I have spoken to Mr. Minshull who thinks that the best course is for him to write a short note to Mr. Wolfe at the Treasury explaining the error and thanking Mr. Wolfe for calling our attention to it. Referenees to later relevant papers Entame 49371 Dar 6 by. Hr. 24/7 Dry #l (C.H. Haines) July 17, 1956 318 SIR