الشؤون القضائية في قطر: إمكانية إنشاء محاكم مشتركة وتشريعات مشتركة p.5

FO 371/109929 1954

a letter from Colonel Fowle in 1935 in which, so
they alleged, Her Majesty's Government's agreement

to the application of Moslem law to foreigners
was announced. I have been unable to trace this
letter. The only letter written in 1935 by Colonel
Fowle to the Ruler of Qatar on the subject of

jurisdiction does not contain any such statement.
Nonetheless I enclose a copy of it and of the
Ruler's reply.

I have the honour to be,
with the highest respect,

Your obedient Servant,

(B. A. B. Burrows).