GEN. 64/7 Dear ise Nunn, I understand that I should now write to you in pegard to earlier correspondence with 2. I enclosa a copy of a Savingram dated 20th August received through the Colonial office from the Governsent of ingapore forwarding & copy of a Note from the Representative of the Governdent of India in Walaya with a copy of the Judgment of the Supreme Court of India on the appeal agelnet the decision of the High Court of Madras in the Menon case. we are advised that we can regard as correct the view of the Covernment of India (as expressed in their Representative letter) that the Fugitive prendere et 10 not in force in India. 3. to the question in paragraph 2(a) of the Governors Savingram, we have replied to the effect that the Fugitive Offender's Act hould be operated eo 11 that part of pre-partition India which is subject to the recent Government of India had not become a Republic.