CONFIDENTIAL FROM WASHINGTON TO FOREIGN OFFICE Cypher/OTP DEPARTMENTAL DISTRIBUTION Sir R. Makins No. 484 D: 12.50 p.m. March 23, 1954 March 23, 1954 R: 7.47 p.m. March 23, 1954 1 Enisali PRIORITY CONFIDENTIAL Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 484 of March 23 Repeated for information to: Bahrain Muscat Aden. Oil Concession, Dhofar We have been informed by the New York office of Cities Service Oil Company that a small team is leaving today to visit Dhofar on what they term a handshaking mission. The visit is expected to last about one month. The team, which will be led by one Ed Clayton and contains a geologist, is travelling via Aden and hopes to go on to Dhofar by R.A.F. aircraft. Cities Service are associated with Phillips Petroleum, who recently reported they had secured a concession in Dhofar. 2. According to Clayton the visit is purely exploratory and is intended to assess the local prospects. The company are anxious to cooperate and keep us fully informed of their progress and intentions, Clayton has promised to give us a personal report on his return. We have advised him to call on local British representatives, including the Resident, Bahrain, if he gets that far. Foreign Office please pass to Bahrain, Muscat and Aden (priority) as my telegrans Nos. 2, 1 and 1 respectively. (Repeated to Bahrain and Muscat and copies sent to Colonial Office for repetition to Aden). DISTRIBUTED TO: Eastern Department Economic Relations Department News Department