Cypher TELEGRAM. C. Code Clear En Clair BAHRAIN To: FOREIGN OFFICE Despatched June 29, 1954. No. 43 Saving of Received June 29, 1954. PRIORITY CONFIDENTIAL Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No, 13 Saving, of June 29, repeated for information Saving to Karachi (1) and Muscat (46). Guadur Fisheries. Three schemes for developing the fisheries of Gwadur are now being considered by the liuscat Government. Latter asked us to obtain confidential report on firm at (e) below. In accordance with customary practice they would also expect us to give them general advice on the matter if international complications are likely to ensue. Schemes are: (a) A Pakistant naned Rustom, using a chartered Japanese trawler, wishes to buy prawns from Gwadur fishermen, quick-freeze them and export them. The trawler might also do a little fishing on its (13024) Wt. 39967-1608 150m in 3 sorts 1/47 G.S.St. Gp. 620