236 SECRET PAPERS PRODUCED BY SECTIONS OF RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, FOREIGN OFFICE, DURING OCTOBER, 1948. (The distribution of Rosearch Department papers to Posts abroad is not automatic and Departments are asked to inform the Research Department (Miss Millen, Whitehall 6100, Ext. 25) of the Posts to which any papers on this list should be sent). AMERICAN SECTION The American Constitutional System. (US/15/48). Poru The Riso and Docline of A.P.R.A. (LAT/27/48). FAR EAST SECTION. The Constitution of North Korea Part 11. (KOR/5/48). WESTERN SECTION. The Constitution of the Italian Republic A comparison with the Constitutions of 1848 and 1861. (IT/11/28). The Free Port of Trieste. (TRI/3/48). NORTHERN SECTION. List of members of Finnish Diet elected in July 1948 and arranged according, to Party and in alphabetical order. (FIN/5/18). MIDDLE EAST SECTION. Note on the possibility of development in Palestine with particular reference to irrigation in the Negeb. (ME/37/487. Quarterly Review of Islamic Affairs Third Quarter 1948. (10/38/18). Jewish Political Parties - 31st October 1948. (ME/39/48). U.S.S.R. SECTION. Baltic Press Review. (USSR/26/48). Ukranian Press Report June 1948. (Based on "Pravda Ukrainy'). (USSR/27/48). Outline of Agenda and Resolutions of Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party, the Russian Conmunist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) Congress, 1917-1959. (USSR/28/48). GERMAN & AUSTRIAN SECTION. The Soviet Zone Police. (GER/85/48). Four Power Control of Municipal Elections in Berlin, 20 th October 1946. (GER/87/48). The Parliamentary Council Second Report, 16th September to 24th October, 1948. (GER/89/48). POLAR EGIONS. Note on the History of International Organisations for Polar Exploration. (POLAR/1/48).