ED : Extract From Middle East Business , 2 astBusiness Weekly 23.6.89 NBL 02011 LIVED IN REGISTRY 28 JUN1989 DESKOFFICER INS PA REGISTRY Action taken Ohh OMAN Four bid for TV expansion Four companies have bid for a contract to expand the television and FM radio network to the northern and eastern areas of the sultanate. The network is currently limiced to the coastal region. The firms are Philips Export of the Necherlands, the UK's Marconi Communications, Rohden & Schwarz of West Germany and Thomson of France. Their offers, submitted last month, range from RO24.3 million (563 million) to RO 38.9 million ($101 million). The expansion will take four years and involves supply and installation of transmitters and relay stations at 16 main sites and around 80 smaller sites. It will also incorporate training. The client, the Information Ministry, is expected to make an award within the next three months. Designs for the project have been prepared by France's Sotretel. The company is understood to be holding final talks with the client on an extension of its contract to include construction supervision. IN BRIEF 3 A group of private investors is planning to set up a tourism complex in Al-Suwadi, on the Barinah coast. The RO 1.2 million (53.1 million) project will include a hotel and aqua park. A site has already been allocated and a consultant, W S Atkins & Partners of the UK, appointed, but investment participation nas yet to be finalised. Initial plans envisage completion in time for the 1990/91 tourism season. It is the first such project by the private sector since the suitanate started promoting tourism in 1987/88. A military co-operation agreement was signed with France on 2 June. It lays down a framework for possible arms sales, training and service and maintenance after deliveries. The agreement came during a visit by Sultan Qaboos. French press reports said discussions berween the French and Omani military covered the suitanaces need for new anti-cank and portable ground-to-air missiles, light armoured vehicles and joint GCC sea surveillance Aircraft. Grindlays Bank has opened a branch at the headquarters of the Royal Guard of Oman. It is for use by both military personnel and the public and includes automated banking services. M pa M 27 (Omm ( دل Fuels storage complex for Raysut Contractors are due to be invited by the end of June co prequalify for a contract to build an aviation fuel storage complex for the Sultan of Oman's Air Force (SOAF). The contract, worth an estimated RO 10 million (526 million), is for Project Mangal, which involves converting a disused stone quarry in Raysur, in the south, inco storage tanks for air and marine reis. The cocal