Reference 5 Clive Stict EAD Mr. Flear to check with Post l. 1. I enclose a copy of HQ Eastern District's t reply at & to EXERCISE BUGLE REUNION iB I minute of 23 October about the proposed r. Castor. exercise Bugle Reunion (26 June 31 July 1988) in Mauritius, transitting either spune to mv carrer. Agrera Dubai or Nairobi. Nu nou to check with Posi. No objection. 2. I would be grateful for confirmation 3.5 that you have no objection to this exercise xi going ahead. Michael Carter NB 075/1 RECEIVED IN REGISTRY 6 NOV 1987 MC Carter Defence Department K428 270-3146 LCSK OFFICER IND PA REGISTRY duon nxen 2 November 1987 CC: Mr Blackley, MED CODE 18-78