2664/14/12 -8 DEC 1922 No.F.519-P/27. From The Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign & Political Department, 2 То His Majesty's Agent and consul, Jeddah. Ihmten (dok thin wird for the giz sat, hondas Birds retun, Itzes Ture Dated New Delhi, the 197 November 1928. 9 Desire of His Exalted Highness the Nizams Government to carry out certain repairs to the Prophet's mosque and dome at Medina. Seen 2 1142 sir, . With reference to the correspondence resting with your letter No.533/144/10, dated the 29th February 1928, I am directed to inform you that His Exalted Highness the Nizam's Government have now decided to shelve, for the time being, the proposal to carry out certain repairs and improvements to the Prophet's mosque at Medina. 2. A copy of this letter is being sent to the India Office, London. I have the honour to be, sir, Your most obedient servant, Shansen tun Deputy Secretary to the Goverment of India. amm