Halaiba on the 'Iraqi side of the 'Iraq-Kuwait frontier. The Prime Minister seem satisfied by these explanations. 8316 Od to re latz . 11-19 12 Houble the Despatch No.579-5 of 15.8.32 from Im Pol. Resident in the Persian Gulf. Bushine 13 es te to esarting We have now to hannah Sa drag beremman Tp flanel a kabe Acceplānce of the lenna sam Pli reaffima for the same thing water between leg hennais. vde Avered 1. on This mad mean sending sending to PM a copy of rell 15 although the references wanche il corlame make it a somenthal unamtalele li 2 document to panch. lasse drasse? OH 20/ 813c 12. Kuwait 14 Red is an involved domment but the references go to Show the special relations frip between the shanch of Carnain and M.G. and this is, according to Red , declans to be aluable. 2 think draft should decanus shte 22-6.32,