기 2 Telerram. From. To. (p) The Secretary of State for the Colonies. The Hich Commissioner Bachdad. 12th September, 1923. 14th September, 1923. 420. Dated. Received. NO. Addressed Ba mhdad 420, repeated Palestine 280 and Bushire, Your telecram NO.484. See my telecrams today to Jerusalem and Bushire. You should expljen to Faisal that His Majesty's Government are assumin that quiesence of Bin Saud is due to their representations but they are summestin to him a meetina either between him and Abdullah or between plenipotentiaries for discussion of Nejd-Trans-Jordania boundary. You should add that sucoestion is bein, made to Bin Saud that opportunity should be taken of this meetin, to settle any outstanding questions between Governments of Hedjak and 'Iraq and that we are awaitin- his reply. Yous should use arrument telecraphed to Bushire to prepare his mind for meeting of plenipotentiaries, rather than of principals, whicle would in my view be undesirable since local aspect of matters under discussion micht be lost si-ht, of and impression of combined Sheriffian Bloc accentuated if principals attend. SECR E T. 1 Secretariat of H.E. the Hich Commissioner for 'Iraq, Bachdad September, 15th 1923. NO.G.0.1072 To: Air Headquarters ( 2 copies). Bawhdad. Memorandum. Copy forwarded for infomation. Sd/- M.2,P. A/Secretary to H.B. the Hinh Commissioner for 'Iraq,