T No. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Name. Board of Trade To Earl of Lytton (also to Sir A. Paget and Sir F. Plunkett) Earl of Lytton Sir A. Paget Mr. Egerton Sir F. Plunkett To Earl of Lytton To Sir F. Plunkett To Board of Trade Board of Trade .. 00 00 .. .. 00 0.0 00 No. ... 171 363 92 379 88 183 26 : TABLE OF CONTENTS. Date. 9, 27, 30, Nov. 7, 1888 10, 15, 22, 22, 22, Dec. 24, SUBJECT. Socotra and Guardafui. Memorandum on posi tion of lighting these sites To ask for reply of French Government to No. 49 08 Is promised a reply soon.. Views of Austrian Government on No. 49 French reply to No. 49 00 Swedish reply to No. 49 .. French Government shall have replies of other Powers. Her Majesty's Government are opposed to proposed Technical Commission at present Satisfaction at views of Swedish Government Sends replies of foreign Governments. Pro posed future action 00 oe Sends estimate of cost of the proposed lights, with observations 00 ERRATUM. Page 38, paragraph 3. For "sand dues " read "Sound dues." .. 04 .. 00 co DO 0:0 00 .. .. Page 48 49 49 50 50 51 52 52 52 53