No. 1 Board of Trade 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 fond food 12 45 15 16 17 18 13 Board of Trade 19 14 To Sir E. Baring Sir E. Baring Board of Trade 20 21 24 25 26 26 Name. 27 28 To Board of Trade .. Board of Trade Question asked in House of Commons (Mr. Sutherland) Glasgow Ship-owners' Association To Sir E. Baring To 29 Board of Trade To Sir E. Baring To Board of Trade Sir E. Baring 99 Glasgow Ship owners' Association 29 To Sir E. Baring Mr. Portal.. To Sir W. White Board of Trade Sir W. White To Sir W. White Rustem Pasha Board of Trade .. To Mr. Portal 30 22 99 31 To Board of Trade .. [492] 30 9. .. .. 00 00 DO 97 30 CO 00 To Mr. Portal 23 Confidential 22 To Board of Trade .. Confidential 23 To Sir W. White 67 Confidential To Board of Trade 5 00 TABLE OF CONTENTS. .. No. 00 : GO ; 00 09 .. 0.0 00 00 157 Confidential 220 ; 4 17 21 5 20 26 62 Confidential 100 .. 75 25 00 26 Date. Dec. 21, 1886 Cape Guardafui. Sends application to Treasury respecting scheme of lighting; also list of strandings. Jan. 1, 1887 7, Feb. 15, 25, Mar. 2, 2, 7, 12, 12, 14, Apr. 10, 30, May 5, 20, June 6, 9, July 2, 13, 16, Aug. 4, 4, 4, N 5, 5, 17, 15, 16, 19, 19, 23, Suggests ascertaining views of SUBJECT. foreign Governments as to dues 00 Sends draft of Circular to Her Majesty's Re presentatives abroad for concurrence Cannot express opinion on above till Treasury reply is received As to intention of Government to obtain re duction of light dues Urge reduction of light dues Sends copies of Nos. 5 and 7 010 Acknowledges No. 5. Matter receiving atten tion.. Forwards a representation from Liverpool Ship-owners' Association, with remarks as to reduction of dues Sends Nos. 8 and 10 Answers No. 8. Present moment inopportune for reductions sought 00 Reasons why there is a difficulty in reducing dues Sends Report of lighthouse administration, with observations Call attention to large surplus on lighthouse account, and suggest reduction being pressed at first favourable opportunity Sends No. 13 .. 00 .. All English Companies are protesting as to payment of light dues Sends copy of letter from Liverpool Steam-ship Owners' Association. How does matter stand? 00 69 a 00 9. .. 0. .. .. DO 00 0 00 Sends inclosure in above for report DD Position of affairs with regard to proposed new lights 90 .. Sends correspondence and asks for reply to DO note to Rustem Pasha in March 1886 Sends letter from Lloyd's urging lighting of Mocha and above Ail Sends print Ditto. Ditto 00 CO Da 0 Os 00 DO 00 00 00 09 Sends Nos. 25 and 26. Would be glad if they would send delegates to Foreign Office to meet M. Collas 90 30 .. Sends Memorandum of state of question in reply to No. 19 Informs of interview with M. Collas 0 98 Reply to note of March 22, 1886. Indisposed to separate the lights at Mocha and above Ail from whole scheme Shadwan Island. Letter from Lloyd's urging erection of light at e c Sends No. 27 for communication to Egyptian Government Sends Nos. 25 and 26 00 00 Informs of views of Turkish Government and M. Collas. Wants an estimate of amount of shipping that would benefit by lights at Abou Ail and Mocha only Page 1 5 5 med god 6 6 67 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 22 12 12 12 13 13 14 16 17 17 17