espaces ENT CONFIDENTIAL From EXPRESS LETTER 1947 Political Resident, Persian Gulf, Bahrain. Retaxandum, London. Foreign, New Delhi. Political, Kuwait. Repeated No.1206 Dated the 27th December 1946. Reference your express letter No.Ext.7266/46 dated the 30th October 1946. Status of Kuwait Bay and extent of territorial 2. Political Agent reports no laws of the nature Indicated have ever been promulgated by Kuwait. It does, however, occasionally happen that ships of foreign nationality anchor in the bay beyond the three mile 11mit and the Shaikh's Customs, passport and quarantine ofricials board them to carry out their duties. No objection has ever been nade on the ground that the ship is beyond territorial limits. 3. Fishing in Kuwait Bay has been carried on exclusively by Kuwaitis from time immemorial, and though no formal orders have ever been issued, the Sheikh has on several occasions, the most recent one being last year, warned off boats belonging to contractors supplying fish to the Anglo-Iranian 011 Company from fishing in Kuwait Bay. (SCD.) W.R.HAY. Political Resident, Persian Gulf. ATTESTED. Sd/- E. Thomas. for Secretary to the Political Resident, Persian Gulf.