Jurisdiction on the Continental Shelf: Kuwait Bay p.3

FO 372/6095 1947

that the Admiralty and Ministry of Fuel and Power might take practical measures to claim Koweit Bay às national waters. Any steps to claim the Bay as national waters must surely be taken by the Sheikh of Koweit, for Koweit is an independent] territory X under British protection.

What now seems necessary is that we should decide whether suebastis desirable for us to press the Sheikh to take out such a claim, or whether things should be left as they are, with vague indications (not concrete evidence) of long standing exercise of jurisdiction over the waters of the Bay. I suggest that the question might now be put to the other interested departments for their views. It might be helpful if the Legal Adviser could indicate what sort of steps the Sheikh should take to claim t. the territorial status of the Bay.

The heat kerms "Butuh
Pehched Srately I thanh independent samhonnes The Shech has no rakenal


ht inkinally independent


24th January, 1947.

There are various things that the Sheikh could do, namely (1) enact a law saying that the Bay is Koweit national waters (if this is done it should be made clear that the law is merely declaratory of the position as it has always been); (2) to take more definite action without enacting any law indicating that the Sheikh does claim the Bay as bis national waters, viz. issue notices or regulations indicating that certain provisions of existing laws and so forth which apply to Koweit territory apply to this Bay; (3) issue a regulation about fishing in Koweit Bay reserving it, if that is what is always done, to Koweit nationals.

The above list, of course, is not exhaustive. One of the things the Sheikh can do without bringing the continental shelf question into it is to tell his concessionary company that his territory does extend to the end of Koweit Bay, and giving the definition of the Bay.


25th January, 1947.

cung Dello
Strettoracom Berpchat


A) 1.0. of 12th Mar. )