Relations between the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) and the Saudi Arabian Government; decree cancelling income tax exemption for oil companies' gross profits. Code ES file 1531 (papers 19 to end)
FO 371/98842 1952Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Translation of a Royal Decree which cancels exemption from Saudi income tax of such parts of oil companies' gross profits which have been paid in taxes outside Saudi Arabia (19)
- Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) Saudi Arabian oil negotiations, including the US State Department's views and a summary of the Saudi Arabian demands and the company's attitude towards them; the possibility of negotiations being adjourned during Ramadhan (20-22)
- Saudi and American Government, including the Arabian American Oil Company negotiations (23)
- Comments on an article from the New York Herald Tribune on ARAMCO's activities and training (24)
- ARAMCO negotiations adjourned (25)
- ARAMCO Saudi Arabian oil negotiations, including summaries of the past and present stages in the negotiations; discussions between the Petroleum Attaché and Duce; the demands presented by Saudi Arabia (26-28)
- Middle East oil policy (29)
- Comments on the demands made on ARAMCO by Saudi Arabia (30)
- ARAMCO negotiations and the possibility of new oil concessions in Saudi Arabia (31)
- ARAMCO and the Saudi Arabian frontier (33)
- Copies of a letter of 11 July from Mr Voss of ARAMCO and latest two-year Currency Utilisation Forecast for comment (34)
- ARAMCO negotiations (35-36)
- Cartography of ARAMCO's 1952 report (37)
- ARAMCO negotiations: information regarding Mr Naughton; negotiations unlikely to be resumed until Naughton's report is submitted; a letter of 17 September from Voss of ARAMCO and the latest two-year Currency Utilisation Forecast (38-39)
- Comments on ARAMCO's book The Areas East of El Hasa Province (40)
- No response from the Saudi Arabian Government on whether negotiations are to be re-opened (41)