Negotiations between the UK and Saudi Arabia on frontier questions. Code ES file 1081 (papers 95 to end)

FO 371/98833 1952

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Flight of an Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) Dakota aircraft over the Iraq Petroleum Company's (IPC) camp site at Murban (95)
  • History of the dispute, the Saudi and American attitude, possible future action and recommendations for solutions (97-98)
  • RAF to regard the 1935 boundary with the 1937 adjustment as the boundary of undisputed Saudi territory (99)
  • Buckmaster's report on his visit to the Liwa Oasis (96, 100, 112)
  • Iraq Petroleum Company and the Saudi frontier dispute (101)
  • Saudi frontier negotiations (102, 103, 114-122)
  • Ibn Saud's wish to resume the Dammam conference (104-105)
  • Need for HMG to make an offer of arbitration and to mark boundaries (106)
  • Anglo-Saudi frontier question on the proposed boundary demarcation (107)
  • Arbitration proposals to be put to Prince Faisal in New York by the Secretary of State (108, 109)
  • Dispute over islands and seabeds between Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait (111)
  • Suggestion that Latin Americans would be good as arbitrators in the Buraimi case, to include CVs (123)
  • Statement on the Damman conference by Mr Rentz of ARAMCO (125)
  • Consideration given to constituting the team to conduct the case before the arbitration on behalf of the rulers and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur (127)
  • Settlement of frontier dispute by arbitration (128)
  • Governor of Aden's wish to be represented at any negotiations which may take place on the question of the frontier between Saudi Arabia and the Aden Protectorate (129)