Negotiations between the UK and Saudi Arabia on frontier questions. Code ES file 1081 (papers 66 - 94)

FO 371/98832 1952

This file contains correspondence on:

  • Frontier negotiations. It includes the original Arabic text of the 1935 Saudi Arabia Frontier Offer; confirmation from Sheikh Hafiz Wahba that the Saudis do not propose to resume the conference until October at the earliest (67-68)
  • American interest in the Saudi Arabian frontier negotiations (70)
  • Southeastern Saudi Arabian frontier negotiations (71)
  • Frontier dispute. It includes discussions on the importance of reaching a settlement; the US attitude towards the frontier dispute; a brief outline of position prior to and since the Dammam Conference; discussions at the Foreign Office on the 25 June (72-77)
  • Liwa - Bainuna expedition. it includes a report on the inhabitants of Liwa (78-79)
  • Saudi claims that officials of a British oil company are operating in the disputed territory of Jebel Al Dhanna (80-81)
  • Operations of Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Limited in Abu Dhabi (82)
  • Confirmation that no work has been undertaken by Petroleum Concessions Limited within the territories claimed by the Saudi Government (83)
  • Appointment of Rashid Bin Jabir as personal Wali to the Ruler of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Shakhbut Bin Sultan Al Nahyan (84)
  • Note of a conversation with Abdulla Darwish concerning the Saudi Arabian boundary dispute (85)
  • Delay in the completion of M S Buckmaster's report, now anticipated for beginning of September (86)
  • Main part of Buckmaster's report on his expedition to Liwa, Dhafara, and other areas claimed by the Ruler of Abu Dhabi (87)
  • Memorandum on the discussions to be held on the 5 September on the Saudi Arabian frontier dispute (88)
  • Note by the Research Department on Ibn Saud’s claim to the land of his ancestors (89)
  • Proposal for the Saudi negotiations to be resumed this winter following Buckmaster's report (90)
  • Record of discussion on the 5 September on the Saudi Arabian frontier dispute (91)
  • Various issues raised on boundary dispute after a meeting with Abdulla Darwish on 6 September (92)
  • Report on Saudi actions and American views following Buckmaster’s report (93)
  • Effect of the boundary dispute with Saudi Arabia on the operation of Petroleum Development Limited in the contested areas (94)