Negotiations between the UK and Saudi Arabia on frontier questions. Code ES file 1081 (papers 44 - 65)

FO 371/98831 1952

This file contains correspondence on:

  • Frontier negotiations. It includes a record of a conversation with the Saudi Arabian Ambassador on the present situation of the frontier dispute; C G Pelham's proposal to seek an audience with Ibn Saud between the 6 and 13 March; summaries of present position and recommendations (44-46)
  • Restrictions on the operations in Abu Dhabi by Petroleum Concessions Limited (47)
  • Proposal to send M S Buckmaster to visit Liwa to gather information about ownership of the oasis (48)
  • Record of a meeting held on W V J Evans's return from the Dammam conference on the Saudi Arabian frontier question (49)
  • Buckmaster's visit to Liwa on the frontier negotiations (50)
  • The frontier question not raised during interview with Ibn Saud; a brief report of an interview with Ibn Saud and Amir Faisal on 26 February (51-52)
  • Visit to Liwa Oasis. It includes a statement that it should not be mentioned to the Saudis, as the reaction might take fro appealing to the United Nations (53)
  • Frontier negotiations. Amir Faisal informed Pelham of the progress of the conference and of the Saudi hopes that the US would press Britain to accept a more accommodating position (51-54)
  • Proposed visit to Liwa (55)
  • Frontier negotiations. It includes letter exchanged between the Political Agent and Abu Dhabi about the Bainah Islands and the division of the seabed between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia (56)
  • Visit to Liwa. It includes the statement that the Saudis have no grounds for protest against Buckmaster's visit to Liwa; fears that the visit may make an unfavourable atmosphere (57-58)
  • Frontier negotiations. It includes the various a views on points raised at meeting held on 21 February; a record of a conversation with Sir W R Hay and Sheikh Shakhbut Bin Sultan Al Nahyan; a suggestion that the conference is resumed on 1 May; a report on discussions with Amir Faisal and Yusef Yasin (56, 59-63)