Negotiations between the UK and Saudi Arabia on frontier questions. Code ES file 1081 (papers 1 to 43)

FO 371/98830 1952

This file contains correspondence on:

  • Preparations for the frontier conference. It includes Britain’s proposal for Dammam to be the location of the first meeting; Abu Dhabi to attend but Qatar only if invited by Amir Faisal; and the possibility of alternate meetings at Bahrain (1-9)
  • Notes on the frontier of Qatar and Abu Dhabi; the composition of the British delegation and Saudi delegations  (10-15)
  • Yusef Yasin's confirmation that Saudi Arabia is prepared to open the conference at Dammam on 28 January; the Ruler of Qatar is due to arrive in Dammam on 26 January (16-19)
  • Boundary dispute and the suggestion of a neutral zone (20)
  • Request for an urgent report on the oil company's views on the western limits of the area in Abu Dhabi and the possible concession of Jebel Naksh (22-23)
  • Further arrangements for the frontier conference (24)
  • Reports on the first and second meetings held on 28 -29 January; a request for an agreement to discuss the ownership of the islands in the Gulf; reports on meetings held on 30-31 January (25-28)
  • Conversation with Mr Le Roy of the French Embassy (29)
  • Proposal to draw a line on the map which both parties could agree; a record of conversation with Mr Houghton of the US Embassy; inconclusive talks with Sheikh Hafiz Wahba and Yusef Yasin; the conference adjourned with no settlement; a report on the prospect of achieving a satisfactory settlement; a proposal that the concession line should be the southern boundary of Qatar rejected by the Ruler of Qatar Sheikh Ali Bin Abdulla Al Thani; actions to be taken should the conference fail; Mr Palmer of the US Embassy informed of the lack of progress due to the inflexibility of the Saudi position; confirmation that the conference is adjourned and not broken off, and that restrictions on oil operations in the disputed area would continue to apply (30-43)